How to Earn Your Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR®) Designation:
- Be a Member of NAR
- Complete the ABR® Designation 2-Day Course
- Compete an Elective Course
- Finalize Transactions as a Buyer Rep
- Submit Your Application
Anna will review these steps in class.
This course is FREE for all REALTOR members!! 12 NJ CE Credits except for 1 hour of Fair Housing.
The course covers the following topics:
- Conveying your value to the buyer-client
- Conducting a seamless, productive buyer counseling session
- In depth discussions regarding your value and how you are paid
- Guiding a buyer-client through the search-showing-selection process
- Negotiating buyer client offers
- Bringing the transaction to a successful close
- Providing exceptional service
This class is free ($295.00 value)