Review and Updates of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics - Ethics

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Thursday, December 14, 2023 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Presented By: Metro Centre Association of REALTORS®
Product Type: Live, Classroom
Continuing Education Credit:
  • New Jersey Real Estate: 3 Ethics Credits (C20169929)
Important Message: No Refunds
Instructor: Isabelle Perkins

This seminar will review each article of the Code of Ethics, how it compares to the licensing regulations and how it impacts your activities as a REALTOR

Product Notes

Review and Updates of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics– 3 Ethics NJ CE CREDITS

Detailed review of the 17 articles of the Code of Ethics, including: how do the articles of the Code compare to the licensing obligations, what do I do when someone does not comply and best practices to avoid arbitration, with a particular focus on the most recent changes of the last few years. Class includes discussion and extensive use of examples/situations. Meets NAR triennial requirements.

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