Military Relocation Professional

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Thursday, January 26, 2023 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Presented By: NEXUS Association of REALTORS®
Product Type: Live, Classroom
Continuing Education Credit:
  • New Jersey Real Estate: 6 Elective Credits (C20202600)
Important Message: LIVE virtual class - You will receive an invite link one day before class.
Instructor: Connie Glass-Birnbohm

The goal of Military Relocation Professional Certification Core Course is to educate real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find the housing solutions that best suit their needs- as sellers or buyers- and take full advantage military benefits and support. Students will learn how to provide the real estate services- at any stage in the service member's military career- that meet the needs of this niche market and win future referrals.

Product Notes

*6 Elective Credits*

Non-Members: $115.00
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