Don't Be Left Out In the dark: How Solar Panels Affect Real Estate Transactions

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Tuesday, January 17, 2023 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Presented By: NEXUS Association of REALTORS®
Product Type: Webinar
Continuing Education Credit:
  • New Jersey Real Estate: 1 Elective Credit (C20203910)
Instructor: Deborah Henderson

Explore the dynamic intersection of solar energy and real estate transactions in this comprehensive course. Realtors will gain crucial insights into how solar panels impact property values, financing options, and sale processes, equipping them to navigate the complexities of buying and selling solar-equipped homes in today's evolving market.

Product Notes

COURSE NAME: Don't Be Left in the Dark: How Solar Panels Affect Real Estate Transactions

Description: Agents will get an overview of how the presence of solar panels affect the real estate transaction on the buyers/seller's side. Tips and best practices will be shared to avoid delays in closing and heading off issues that may take time to resolve when a home has solar panels.


Non-Members: $15.00
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